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What to Do and How to Prepare for Treatment

Xena avatar
Written by Xena
Updated over a week ago

Dealing with bedbugs can be stressful, but with prompt action and cooperation, we can effectively resolve the issue. Our team takes bedbug reports very seriously and will manage the process diligently. If you suspect bedbugs in your space, please report it immediately via the app so we can address the issue as soon as possible.

🔎 Identifying Signs of Bedbugs

Before taking further steps, confirm the presence of bedbugs by checking for the following signs:

  • 🩸 Bite Marks: Red, itchy spots that appear in clusters or a line, usually on exposed skin.

  • Dark Stains: Small brown or black spots on bedding or furniture, indicating bedbug droppings.

  • 🦠 Shed Skins: Transparent, shed exoskeletons around the bed frame, mattress, or furniture.

  • 🐞 Live Bugs: Small, reddish-brown insects about the size of an apple seed, especially in mattress seams or cracks.

📲 Reporting the Issue

  • As soon as you identify potential bedbug activity, submit a ticket via the app with as much detail as possible.

  • 📸 Attach clear photos of any evidence (bugs, stains, bite marks) to expedite the investigation and treatment process.

  • 🏃 Act fast! The team will prioritise the issue and keep you updated through the ticket.

🔥 How to Prepare for Bedbug Treatment

To ensure an effective treatment, you must follow these preparation steps:

✅ Before Treatment

🚫 Limit Movement of Items: Avoid transferring belongings to another location to prevent spreading the infestation.

🛏️ Wash & Heat-Treat Bedding:

  • Launder all sheets, blankets, and pillowcases in hot water (60°C or higher) ♨️ or freeze them for at least 24 hours ❄️.

  • Dry thoroughly and store them in sealed plastic bags until treatment is complete.

👕 Clothing Care:

  • Wash all clothes at a high temperature.

  • For non-washable items (coats, jackets, shoes), opt for dry cleaning or freezing.

🌡️ Heat-Treat Fabrics:

  • Place curtains, pillows, and towels in a dryer on high heat for at least 30 minutes.

  • Store these items in double-sealed bags after drying.

📚 Inspect Non-Washable Items:

  • Books, electronics, and toys should be carefully examined.

  • If treatment involves insecticides, store children’s toys in sealed bags unless they require heat treatment.

📦 Declutter & Store Items Properly:

  • Pack cleaned items in sealed plastic bags to avoid recontamination.

  • 🚮 Dispose of unnecessary clutter, which can harbor bedbugs.

🧹 Vacuum Thoroughly:

  • Vacuum all floors, mattresses, box springs, furniture, and carpets.

  • Dispose of vacuum bags immediately in an outdoor trash bin.

🚪 Prepare the Space for Inspection:

  • Move furniture at least 60 cm (24 inches) away from walls to allow thorough treatment.

🔁 Multiple Treatments May Be Needed

Depending on the level of infestation, a single treatment may not be enough to fully eliminate bedbugs.

  • The pest control technician will assess the severity of the infestation during the first visit and inform you if multiple treatments will be necessary.

  • If additional treatments are required, you will be notified through the ticket with the schedule and further instructions.

  • Continue to follow all pre- and post-treatment guidelines until the technician confirms the infestation is completely eradicated.

✅ After Treatment

Wait Before Entering:

  • Stay out of treated rooms for at least 2-4 hours after the pest control service.

  • Once inside, open windows and air the room for one hour before resuming use.

🚫 Avoid Washing Treated Areas:

  • Do not wash floors near walls or windows for two weeks after treatment.

  • Instead, sweep or vacuum daily during the first week.

🛏️ Do Not Remove Mattress Covers:

  • If a bedbug-proof cover was applied to your mattress, leave it in place for continued protection.

📦 Unpack Items Safely:

  • Open plastic bags containing clean laundry, blankets, and sheets.

  • Return furniture and belongings to their original places only after confirming treatment completion.

⚠️ Laundry Caution:

  • If you see plastic bags labeled “dirty laundry” or “to be washed”, do not open them 🚨.

  • Contact the pest control team for further instructions.

By following these guidelines, you help maximise the effectiveness of bedbug treatment and prevent reinfestation. 🏡✨

💰 Missed Cleaning Services Due to Bedbugs

If an active bedbug infestation is reported in your home, any scheduled cleaning services by LifeX will be canceled immediately.

  • You will receive a reimbursement credit the following month 💳 for the missed cleaning.

  • If you have not received your credit, please contact the Support team via the app 📲 for assistance.

By acting quickly and following these steps, you can help eliminate bedbugs efficiently while ensuring your space remains pest-free. 🛡️💪

🔎 Still need help? Contact LifeX Support via the app!

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