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Welcome dinners

How welcome dinners for new members work

Corrine Altass Hye avatar
Written by Corrine Altass Hye
Updated over a week ago

๐Ÿ‘‹ What is a welcome dinner?

When a new member moves into a LifeX apartment, that apartment is prompted to arrange a welcome dinner for everyone to sit down and get to know each other properly. The date/time/location of this dinner should be organised between the members in the apartment - you can either order in, buy some groceries and cook a meal together, or even go out for dinner!ย 

To organise the dinner, you can either ask your housemates in person, or you can communicate in your house group in the LifeX app (find it under the community tab), or grab their phone numbers on their profile in the app and shoot them a group message.

๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ What is the deal?

Each house is entitled to have up to a maximum 2 welcome dinners per month:

  • 1 new move-in:

    • You have a budget of 75 DKK / 10EUR / 10 GBP /110 NOK per person total that month.

    • Please note that a new couple counts as one 'new move-in', but the above budget applies per person.

  • 2 or more new move-ins:

    • You can have two separate dinners, or one combined dinner, which totals at

      150 DKK / 20 EUR / 20 GBP / 220 NOK per person total that month.

    • Please note that a new couple counts as one 'new move-in', but the above budget applies per person.

โ—This is to say that if you have multiple new move-ins on a particular month, no matter how many there are, there is only a budget for up to two dinners that month.

๐Ÿ’ฐHow to claim the reimbursement?

You must request reimbursement for the welcome dinner in the app within 2 months of moving in, otherwise you will not be reimbursed. Our team will not contact members to claim your receipt. This also goes if you decide to have individual reimbursement- each member needs to reach out to be refunded.

We prefer that the budgeted amount for everyone in the house is covered in the receipts sent to us by one person in the house, and then we refund the entire budgeted amount to that one person. Thereafter we expect the members to split the refund amongst themselves.

If the expense exceeds the above listed budgets, please be aware that LifeX will not cover the exceeded amount.

๐Ÿ’ญ Remember to always collect the receipts!

Important note: we do need the full receipts (including VAT). We don't accept written receipts or credit card tickets.

๐ŸดWe had the dinner, so what now?

Read about how to get reimbursed for the welcome dinner here.

Lastly and most importantly, have fun, get creative and please send us pictures! We love to see what our members get up to ๐Ÿ˜€

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